Your Roadmap to Becoming a Commercial Roofing Territory Titan

The 8-Figure Service Division Roadmap is a plan for opening, growing, and scaling your commercial roofing service division into a million dollars or more in revenue.

When growing a business, it's easy to get caught up in the business.

We have solved problems like these for our clients:

  • Not generating the quantity and quality of leads needed to grow

  • Feeling frustrated and lost about their service process.

  • Maxed-out owners who can’t hit the goals they envision for their company

  • Don’t have the time, team, or processes in place to enjoy your success

When the 8-Figure Service roadmap is implemented, we see consistent success in the following areas:

  • Predictable revenue growth exceeding 40K/month, per service truck, and beyond with solid margins

  • Internal opportunity development (without wasting money on advertising)

  • “Peace of mind” between your business and personal life.

  • Hire and develop a team of A-players who care about serving your clients as much as you do

Get Started on Your 8-Figure Service Roadmap

Not enough sales to hit goal?

Get instant access to a proven three-step process for better-qualified leads that deserve your time and attention. Its a problem or goal, not hope.

Gross profit under 60% GPM?

Sales make the promise, and production is expected to over-deliver. Access the steps needed to become the 1% of service leaders.

Where are you on the Journey?

The 8-Figure Service Division Roadmap is a plan for opening, growing, and scaling your commercial roofing service division into a million dollars or more in revenue.

Jump to Your Current Stage or Stage of Growth

Not sure where you land? Schedule a strategy session to find out!

Stage 1
Bootstrap Builder

When you’re a growing business, you must get your hands dirty. This stage encompasses sales, Estimation, and production, all from the seat of your truck.

Stage 2
Growth Gone Wild

One month, you have endless work; the next month, you share your technicians with the production team. Consistency is NOT your strong point at this stage.

Stage 3
Strategic Scaler

When you can define what you do great, it makes it easy to find the customer you “want” to work with. This stage is all about controlled and strategic growth.

Stage 4
Expanding Empire

When you nail the process and profitability turns into a knob you adjust, it’s time to duplicate the process and add trucks and/or locations!

Final Stage

We all have dreams of the future, but so does your buyer. When you stabilize your business with sound processes, its multiplies the ROI when its time to take your next step.

What is a Bootstrap Builder?

Typical Revenue: $0-$500K Annually

Building a business is hard work. Thats why the entry level as a commercial roofing service business is the Bootstrap builder. This stage of the 8-Figure Service Division is typically completed by the leader or single individual who finds the opportunity, sells the work and produces it all from the same truck.

There is nothing more prideful than being a one-stop-shop for your client. However, this stage quickly becomes difficult to balance sales, inspections and production all in a single work-day. Thats why we focus on providing the tools and resources for this “make it happen” leader to quickly advance to “Growth-Gone-Wild”.

Listen to what Jim accomplished in a matter of months with the right processes in place.

See how Brittany went from Bootstrap Building to Growth Gone Wild in months!

What is Growth Gone Wild?

Typical Revenue: $500K-$2M Annually

When your teams endless hours of hard work and prospecting pay off after every rain event is when things start to get crazy. When you had no work last week and this week, your team can’t keep up with the current workload is what we call “Growth-Gone-Wild”

This stage in the 8-Figure Service division can be one of the hardest to manage. Adding trucks and employee’s become nearly impossible when consistent work is the daily problem to solve. Growing beyond this stage of your growth path requires strategic thinking and commitment to the clients who will scale with you into your “Strategic Scaling” Phase.

What is Strategic Scaler?

Typical Revenue: $2M-$5M Annually

When you have extreme clarity of the industries your roofing business best services above and beyond all others, you have entered the “Strategic Scaling” growth phase.

This phase focuses on getting the most of the clients who see your value and view you as their “trusted advisor”. A partner who looks to your company to solve problems beyond their roof and is a raving fan to anyone who is looking for a great contractor.

This phase of the 8-figure service roadmap can be one of the most profitable as prospecting and new client cultivation costs drop as you scale into business who see your value beyond roof leaks and low cost proposals.

What is an Expanding Empire?

Typical Revenue: $5M-$7M Annually

A “strategic scaler” is a leader in their territory and is working on duplicating their success through additional service trucks and locations.

They know what they do well, and their growth strategy is focused on being the single point of contact for their primary accounts. They perform all roofing repairs on their clients' roof systems regardless of who buys the service (Owner, Manufacturer, HVAC, Plumber, Mechanical, etc.).

This stage is the final phase before they reach the top of the 8-figure Service roadmap. They know the top is not the end but the beginning of their 9-figure journey to becoming the top contractor in the Nation.

What do they care about? Extreme consistency where changes in their business increase revenue, profit, and backlog, all in the little adjustments made of data-backed decisions.

Real Experiences, Real Processes, Real Results

Our Track Record of Success

Our proven methods are based on 30+ years of in-the-seat, real B2B experience, and we are bringing them to you.


Commercial Sales


Average Gross Margin


In Repair Sales


Leaks Dispatched


Service Agreements Sold & Serviced


Commercial Service Divisions Managed

What Our Clients Have to Say

Raising the Floor of the Commercial Roofing Industry