Scale It Solution

Increase Your Profit While Growing Your Team

MakeServiceWork offers a hybrid learning solution to evolve your service manager into a multi-million-dollar profit leader, guaranteed!

Where Does your Service Manager Stack up?

Great service managers are not hired, they are developed over years of experience. Rather than hire and wait, we have developed the industry’s only service manager growth plan to ensure they learn the most impactful skill while being supported with best practices to hyper-develop them into what we call a “Level 3 Manager”.

Level 1

80% of Managers

Understanding the Big 3 

Proactive Scheduling 

Forecasting Problems 

Documentation Perfection 

Entry Level Pricing 

Onsite NTE Increases 

Due Date Management

Level 2

15% of Managers

Ticket Audit Process 

Managing Contract Hours 

Employee Ladders 

Reducing Employee Risk 

Large Scope Estimating 

Temporary Repairs 

Perfect Inspections 

Proactive Branch Management

Level 3

5% of Managers

Individual Big 3's 

Task Delegation 

Field Expert Integration 

Using Data to Make Decisions 

RTM Best Practices

Learn how to become a Level 3 Service Manager Today!

How We Grow Your Service Manager into a Level 3

Our “Scale it” program has been tested and implemented on many of today's major service managers. If you have an existing commercial service team and are ready to get serious about their growth, this is your program!

Great leaders are not born. They are also rarely hired. They are developed after years of people management on top of their industry knowledge. Our leadership training provides each service leader with the key habits, motivators, and culture-building skills to fast-track their service leadership Success. Our weekly coaching sessions focus directly on our “Level 3” Service Manager training.

Our scheduled meetings will cover the numbers that increase profit, revenue, and backlog. We then move into proactive scheduling, production perfection, and employee growth programs to take even your newest employees and turn them into your next service foreman or beyond.

This is just the beginning…

Our Scale It solution Includes: 

  • Weekly Service Manager Training on the “Level 3” Service Manager.

  • Annual service goal alignment for monthly success acknowledgment.

  • Access to our exclusive learning Platform with past training access.

  • Monthly Leadership Meeting with Actionable Reports

  • Unlimited access to our “Grow it” Group Coaching. 

  • Weekly Scorecard with Action Reports 

  • Instant access to best practices and other exclusive documents via Google Workspace.

  • Real-Time Service Manager Access (Problem Solving)

What You Can Expect

Increased Profit

When you focus on production, you get more efficient and remove the kinks that require profit-killing habits. This means driving to the material suppliers, onsite problem-solving and recalls

One-on-One Coaching

There is only so much you can learn online or through videos. MakeServiceWork provides one-on-one coaching to address fundamental issues in the business. There is no limit to the support we provide—people, Processes, Technology, and goal.

Customized Process

Everyone has a process, but most don’t know how to outline the step-by-step journey that takes a customer’s request from received to invoice paid. That’s not a problem with MakeServiceWork.

Commercial Roofing Handbook

MakeServiceWork has the industry’s ONLY service handbook assembled over 15 years of “in-the-seat” business operations. This is available immediately and updated twice annually for all active clients.

Weekly “Pulse” Service Scorecards

As a leader, you have many areas of the business to control. MakeServiceWork provides a weekly scorecard explaining the wins and losses occurring, giving you peace of mind about your service operations.

Leadership Check-In’s

When scaling your business, working in the business is necessary, but our program does not stop at the service truck. We provide bi-weekly leadership check-ins that focus “On” the business to ensure we look at the future and address issues proactively!

We offer the industry’s only Commercial Service Handbook!

You can have all the information in the world, but if you don’t know how to execute, it won’t get you anywhere. MakeServiceWork has the only Service Handbook that is based on actual results with everything from job descriptions, commission structures, and processes, to employee ladders, organization charts and much, much more. 

This 52+ page handbook covers proven processes that are currently implemented and resulting in 100M+ in annual revenue. 

Get instant access with all of our solutions!

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