Uniform Leadership Does Not Create Uniform Sales Teams

We create custom strategies becuase no two sales reps are created equal.

The 7 Deadly Sales Sins

Are Your Reps Suffering From Any of the Below?


Stops implementing coaching


Regularly complains about leads


Doesnโ€™t follow up with leads or clients


Lacks belief in the companyโ€™s abilities


Resigned to believe they canโ€™t make a lot of money


Unlimited excuses on why they donโ€™t use internal systems


Consistently blaming everyone for their lack of results

Sales are not lost at the decision table; they are lost in the first discovery meeting.

We call them the Five Fatalities.

โ€œYour proposal just is too expensive for our budgetโ€

โ€œIโ€™m going with someone who has done this moreโ€

โ€œWeโ€™re going with our prior contractorโ€

โ€œWe are going to make the repairs ourselvesโ€

โ€œWe are going to hold off for now, maybe in the springโ€

There Is A Reason Your Sales Don't Convert

Success Happens Daily

Core Strategy Meeting

These Monday meetings focus on the core skills, traits and habits of Seven Figure Service Sales Reps. No more need for a Monday Sales Meeting. We have this under control.

Grow New Clients

Tuesday is all about finding new clients who are aligned to what your business does great. Youโ€™ll learn how to defeat the five fatalities and get from your first activity faster and at a larger average contract price.

Scale with your Customers

No Seven Figure Service Sales Rep has every woke up expecting his prospecting to produce millions. Its about servicing your current customers to their full potential and being their ONLY resource for roofing

It Can be as Easy as Three Checkpoints

Learn the right questions to increase your close ratio!

What Our Clients Have to Say